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gEDA-user: Open hardware talk by IBM at NYLUG (New York, NY, USA)

GEDA users may find this talk of interest:

Please join us the first week of May for a special presentation by
Dr. Juan-Antonio Carballo, of IBM Venture Capital.

"Spreading to the Edges: Growing a VC Ecosystem in a Multi-layered
Open Model"

The open model for solutions development is quickly extending from
software to other technology areas, such as hardware and
services. Specifically, just as open source has spawned a revolution
in the technical, business, and legal model for software, open
hardware will provide a swell of collaborative innovation that will
create entirely new markets and provide significant business benefits
to the most creative, most reliable, and most adaptable semiconductor,
EDA, System-On-Chip (SoC), systems, SW, and service houses. 

Read more at:


I intend to go, if at all possible.  
