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Re: gEDA-user: Antenna Simulation

Dave N6NZ wrote:
> Don't know of one for Linux. But in my experience, a graphical editor
> for NEC isn't of great value anyway.  The amounts that the wire lengths
> are changing while you are tuning antennas is too small relative to the
> rest of the structure and to the screen size.
> What *is* useful is symbolic expressions in wire lists, so that specific
> points in space can be given names.  Makes it much easier to move a wire
> joint, since by changing the X/Y/Z values for one point all the
> associated wire dimensions are adjusted. Brian Beezley's old AO and YO
> programs did that, and it was very convenient.  I've often thought that
> a simple text-to-text preprocessor that resolved symbolic expressions
> would be very useful.
> -dave
> Stefan Dröge wrote:
>> Hi, I'm searching for a graphical editor for antennas that produces
>> input files for NEC (for those that don't know NEC:
>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Numerical_Electromagnetics_Code).
>> So it doesn't have to be a special antenna construction program, it
>> just has to put out files in NEC format.
>> I tried to run 4nec2 with wine under linux, but its so slow in the
>> geometry editor that its not usable.
>> Any ideas?
>> Greetings, Stefan
I agree to you when the antenna geometry is simple, but for complex geometries like cars, or airplanes it is very confusing when you look on hundreds of lines of code.


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