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Re: gEDA-user: Converting RS274D to RS274X

On Sunday 13 April 2008, Gene Heskett wrote:
>On Sunday 13 April 2008, Ormund Williams wrote:
>>On Sun, 2008-04-13 at 13:54 -0400, Gene Heskett wrote:
>>> A list lurker, speaking up as I run EMC2 on a tabletop mill here.
>>> This seems like a neat idea Jesse, but can gerbv show 3D?  RS-274-D, from
>>> NIST, as interpreted by late versions of EMC2, can describe 9 different
>>> axis's & gerbv would seem to be at most a 2D display, possibly with
>>> tightly spaced overlays that can be laid on or peeled off.
>>Hi Gene
>>The Gerber format was a subset of the real RS-274D standard and I've
>>never seen any Z axis data in a gerber file.  gerbv can't show 3D
>And in my case there is not only Z, but A too.
>>> I'm currently setup to do 4 axis's, with the 4th being a "rotate the work
>>> surface" using the X axis as the axle to turn on, although I can lay the
>>> rotary table down and use it to present the end of the workpiece to the
>>> cutter tool too.
>>> I'd be interested in seeing such a 3+D display, although my well aged
>>> mind cannot well grasp how it might be done, let alone suggest how to do
>>> it.
>>That "well aged mind" has contributed much to my meager wisdom as I try
>>to design a circuit assembly robot, see you on the EMC list.
>Thanks for the flowers, Ormund, I appreciate them.

Where the effort of doing a conversion would be more appreciated, at least 
from my side of the fence is in something that could convert the copper 
patterns gEDA can make, directly into an RS-274-D format, making it simple to 
lay out a double sided board, and do it on the mill by removing the unwanted 

Humm, ISTR a was utility called hpgl that I used to run on an amiga, which 
could filter the output of the amiga pcb design proggy whose name I've long 
since forgotten and drive a printer to make the exposure mask on transparency 
film.  From that, it seems to me we ought to be able to take the guts of 
Peters POTrace and generate the gcode for a given layer and carve it.

Has anyone done any work long those lines?  I keep getting sidetracked with 
the real world of late it seems.  Malfunctioning tv transmitters and such.

>>geda-user mailing list

Cheers, Gene
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