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Re: gEDA-user: (OT) New York City wants to ban "detectors"

On Wed, 30 Apr 2008, Robert Riemer wrote:

> David Griffith wrote:
> > I mention this because some of you probably have gizmos to detect noxious
> > stuff in the air (like rosin, lead, etc)
> >
> > New York City is debating a law that would require a permit to own devices
> > capable of detecting biological, chemical, and nuclear agents.  Want to
> > see if there's mold in the air?  Want to check the air pollution level?
> > Do you have a geiger counter for some reason?  You'll need a permit for
> > such things.  This is sloppy, useless, and counter productive.
> >
> > http://www.gothamgazette.com/blogs/wonkster/2008/04/28/
> > detector-permits-debated-tomorrow/
> >
> Would this also include ionizing smoke detectors?

Yes, but they've recently added language to allow smoke, radon, and CO
detectors, but it still has legions of holes.  For instance, what's a
geiger counter for personal use?  A common CDV700?  Those were made for
the old fallout shelters.  What about a military model?  Are those legal?
Nobody knows.

David Griffith

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