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Re: gEDA-user: hydraulic symbols and schematics

On Wednesday 07 April 2010, Stuart Brorson wrote:
> > Do you foresee any other difficulties?  ... aside from
> > simulating a hydraulic circuit with spice or generating a
> > layout.
> Actually, my first thought was:  What kinds of simulations
>  (if any) does one do in hydraulics?  Are there any standard
>  simulators?  If so, generating a netlist to feed to such a
>  simulator might be an interesting hobby project.

If simulation means Spice to you, you are 20 years behind.

Looking to the past ...  Simulations of things like this were 
(and are) often done on a proprietary commercial simulator 
"Saber", using a proprietary modeling language "Mast".  
Matlab/Simulink is also popular (and proprietary).

Looking forward ...  Things like this can be done very well in 
Verilog-AMS, which has a published standard, cleaner syntax, and 
several commercial implementations.  Many users of Saber and 
Mast are switching over.   Gnucap provides partial support for 
Verilog-AMS, and is working on more complete support.

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