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Re: gEDA-user: Matching footprints with symbols

The two projects are able to work together *because* they were
intentionally designed with clean interfaces,

Irrelevent.  Having clean interfaces doesn't preclude using those
interfaces in a seamless manner, giving the impression of integration.

While I'm fully ok with a script doing the integration (that can very easily be invoked by a wrapper providing a button aka IDE) I want to second this and describe how I think
the internal working may be influenced:
*) as it is deterministic, that attachment of a footprint with non-matching pin/pad-numbers to a given symbol - that is last seen by the converter if I understand it right - will cause trouble,
  a clean converter will reject such combinations and list the
  - ref-des
  - symbol(-file)
  - path the symbol was found in
  - footprint(-file)
  - path the footprint was found in
 of the offending aggregate per default.

If this causes laughter in some corners, forgive me, I'm not aware of all the flags the converters
might have and "man gsch2pcb" produces nothing on my system.

Ugh! Yuck! IDE = Inflexible, Dumbed-down Environment. Some prefer
that, but shouldn't there remain toolkits for those of us who need
flexibility and high productivity automation?
While I see fit and like scripts my fight with gEDA the last 2 weeks can by no means be described as productive - I used Eagle before, but as this was hobby and would be illegal with what I (try to) do now. Believe me, I fully understand the difference between footprints and its instances on a board and am able to think of things like
SQL-databases providing a clear, yet flexible mapping between
  - symbols
  - physical packages
  - vendor part numbers
  - manufacturing process
  - board characteristics (1 ounce, 2 ounce, FR2, FR4, ...)
  - HF electrical charateristics, thermal,...

It would however be very convenient for me, if I can be sure, that missing pins in the ratsnest tool are not due to an incompatible choice of footprint for a symbol.

Armin Faltl

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