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Re: gEDA-user: gpleda.org going down (server move)
>I'm taking gpleda.org down now (for probably all this evening). Please
>don't commit anything in the meantime (cause won't be able to...).
The new host is up, but gpleda.org's DNS hasn't yet propagated
everywhere (even to the the host itself), so until that happens I don't
expect much to work (externally).
If things are working, the following websites should load:
If you get a blank page, then it means that DNS hasn't been fully
propagated (or if it has, then I've managed to mess something up).
Anonymous git should work just like before:
git clone git://git.gpleda.org/buildgeda.git
git clone git://git.gpleda.org/gaf.git
git clone git://git.gpleda.org/geda_manager.git
git clone git://git.gpleda.org/gerbv-tinyscheme.git
git clone git://git.gpleda.org/gerbv.git
git clone git://git.gpleda.org/gerbvhtdocs.git
git clone git://git.gpleda.org/gparts.git
git clone git://git.gpleda.org/gpledahtdocs.git
git clone git://git.gpleda.org/pcb.git
git clone git://git.gpleda.org/pcbhtdocs.git
git clone git://git.gpleda.org/xgsch2pcb.git
Those people with write access should change repo.git/.git/config remotes
line from:
[remote "origin"]
url = ssh://git.gpleda.org/home/git/repo.git
[remote "origin"]
url = ssh://git@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx/repo.git
[remote "origin"]
url = ssh://git@xxxxxxxxxx/repo.git
(putting in the right name for repo.git). Those with write access should
also be able to clone using the following:
git clone ssh://git@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx/buildgeda.git
git clone ssh://git@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx/gaf.git
git clone ssh://git@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx/geda_manager.git
git clone ssh://git@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx/gerbv-tinyscheme.git
git clone ssh://git@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx/gerbv.git
git clone ssh://git@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx/gerbvhtdocs.git
git clone ssh://git@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx/gparts.git
git clone ssh://git@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx/gpledahtdocs.git
git clone ssh://git@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx/pcb.git
git clone ssh://git@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx/pcbhtdocs.git
git clone ssh://git@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx/xgsch2pcb.git
Please let me know if you cannot clone or get to the webpages after about 12
hours (in order to get DNS a chance to propagate).
I would hold off on pushing changes until I get a chance to test things a
little better.
PS. I'm going to shutdown the old host once a full backup finishes.
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