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gEDA-user: Gnucap - looking for development help

I am looking for help in developing gnucap, of almost all
 kinds, including that which doesn't require advanced knowledge
 of simulation.

Some types of work that are particularly needed:

-- Documentation -- user manuals, tutorials, beginner help
-- Spice compatibility evaluation and changes.
-- Model evaluation and development
-- User interface development (a real interactive interpreter),
preferably in an object-oriented interpreted language.
-- Porting of Spice models
-- gschem, gnetlist interface improvements.
-- configure/make standardization.

Some types of work that will be very rewarding and welcome:

-- Algorithm development, particularly alternative algorithms
such as harmonic balance and moment matching
-- Verilog-AMS and VHDL-AMS help.

What I intend to do:

-- Performance improvements
-- Verilog-AMS and VHDL-AMS support

I am not looking for people to do debugging, although bug
reports are welcome.  Bugs in the traditional sense have not
been a major problem.

I am hoping that if I can get help in some of the areas I
 listed here, I can devote more time to algorithm improvements.

Gnucap is a mixed-signal simulator in development.  It is not a
Spice derivative, but could eventually replace Spice.

It is a true single-engine mixed-mode simulator, one of the
 few, and one of the first.  As such, it handles the interface
 between discrete (digital) and continuous (analog) better than
 most other simulators.  For some types of circuits, including
 some pure analog circuits, it runs much faster than Spice,
 without any loss of accuracy.  Unfortunately, some other types
 of circuits run slower, but I know why.

XSpice is not really a "single-engine" simulator.  It is really
two simulators compiled together.