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RE: gEDA-user: Re: gschem fonts issue on cygwin

Thanks super, Cesar.  Same issue with MingX--I sent you snapshots of both.
Note that I'm not pressing the mouse button--the trails just appear.  It's
like painting with the mouse.

-----Original Message-----
From: geda-user-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:geda-user-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Cesar Strauss
Sent: Wednesday, August 16, 2006 11:07 PM
To: geda-user@xxxxxxxx
Subject: gEDA-user: Re: gschem fonts issue on cygwin

Craig Niederberger wrote:

> Thanks again, Cesar!  Oddly, the pointer trails remain even with the
> toggle...
> Craig

Pointer trails? Interesting. Does it also happens over the X command 
terminal window? Does it happens when the pointer is outside the drawing 
area (over the gschem menu bar, tool bar or component window)?

You mentioned you might begin to use Linux soon, which would probably 
fix this problem right away. If you are still willing to do a few more 
tries on Windows, then please do the following:

1) Try using the Print Screen keyboard key to capture a screenshot of 
the problem. Use the Paste command on the Windows Paint program to save 
it to a JPG file, then send it off-list directly to my email address, as 
an attachment (or post it on the Internet somewhere).

2) Shut down all your Cygwin applications. Then, download, install and 
run the Xming X Server from:

Start Cygwin again, but, instead of startx, type
$ export DISPLAY=:0
$ gschem


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