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gEDA-user: Promotional materials about gEDA&gaf
Hello there,
I'm looking for promotional materials about gEDA&gaf that I could use
for my new project "Fedora Electronic Lab".
Let me explain in more details:
I was working on providing open source VLSI applications (such tools
from opencircuitdesign.com and Alliance VLSI) on the next Fedora 8.
My initial objectives were the Introduction to Application-Specific
Integrated Circuit (ASIC) Design Flow and the required tools available
on the Fedora Collection for ASIC Design Flow (for Micro-Nano
Electronic Engineering) and at the same time ensuring interoperability
between packages.
After receiving some feedbacks from the fedora community, the
objectives got wider till a point that it was tagged with a name
"Fedora Electronic Lab". Now the latter covers every package for
electronic simulation available on fedora. Last week, "Fedora
Electronic Lab" was approved to be a _feature_ for Fedora 8.
Possibly Fedora will be releasing customed livecd only for this FEL.
If fedora does, then gEDA/gaf will be on the livecd !
Now, time has come to write documentations to show the world that :
* there are open source tools for electronic engineering
* there is an active and growing open source community (e.g this
mailing list is a perfect example)
* and the most important of all, real work can be achieved!
I'm using fedora ambassadors to go to major linux events (linuxtags,
linuxworldexpo...) and to talk about open source EDAs in order to
spread the word around the world.
Right now, I'm contacting every one from developers to users to tell
me (the intention of this email) :
* how they would market the gEDA, pcb , gerbv ..
* whether they already have slides they want to share
* what are the products/projects you have accomplished and that you
are proud of it
* if you are using these tools in your company, tell me :) I may add
the name of your company in my slides (IF you want) thus doing free
publicity for you.
I'll be gathering these information from various open source projects
and will try to merge all these into one big slide. Thus,
* I can guide the fedora ambassadors so that they can spread the right
word about gEDA/gaf
* any one can use this big slide for other presentations (not only
people from fedora)
geda-user mailing list