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Re: gEDA-user: PCB: Lost custom element data when file is reopened ? Bug ?
On Tue, 2007-08-28 at 10:39 -0600, armdeveloper wrote:
> I spent the morning making 4 new elements. PCB worked great. I saved
> my work every 5 minutes.
> I closed PCB. I regenerated the netlist from the schematic due to a
> change. I used gsch2pcb myfile.sch to regenerate the netlist.
> I opened myfile.pcb with PCB. My custom elements are missing. Where
> did they go ? This actually happened to me yesterday as well.
> Thanks
gschem2pcb removed them because it didn't believe they were part of the
Were they named correctly in PCB?
If it removes correctly named elements which should be part of the
netlist, and in the schematic have the correct footprint= attribute,
then its probably a bug.
gsch2pcb behaves the way it does this because of the case where you may
change a footprint in the schematic, and you'll then need to delete and
re-place it in PCB, or if you delete a component completely from the
You really need to save your custom footprints in a file which gsch2pcb
can find by looking at the footprint= attribute. It should then not
delete these components.
Before you re-create the work, take a look for the backup files gsch2pcb
makes when altering your schematic. You may be able to find the elements
you just lost.
Peter C
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