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Re: gEDA-user: Symbol howto question?

On Aug 26, 2008, at 4:30 PM, Robert Butts wrote:

> I have a symvbol/footprint on gedasymbols.org I want to use at:
> http://www.gedasymbols.org/user/kai_martin_knaak/symbols/analog/ 
> diode/photodiode_TO18.sym
> What do I do with this file and how do I get the symbol into my  
> system?

One way:

Put the file in the "local" symbol directory, which, depending on how  
you installed gEDA will  have a path something like "/usr/share/gEDA/ 
sym/local/". If you have the "locate" command on your system, "locate  
share/gEDA/sym/local" should find it.

Better way, I think:

Put project-specific symbols in a directory in your project tree.  
Identify that directory in the gafrc file in the schematic directory.  
For a simple project it's reasonable to put project symbols and  
schematics together in a common directory, in which case:

(component-library ".")

is the line you need in gafrc.

Note that almost any gEDA project needs its own symbols. The library  
symbols are generic, and very often need customization to fit the  
specific needs of a particular project. So, copy the files to your  
project symbol directory, edit them there with gschem.

John Doty              Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.

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