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gEDA-user: minor problems with ngspice + gschem tutorial

   I'm learning to use ngspice and gschem via the excellent tutorial
   I think there are a few small problems which if fixed would make the
   tutorial even better. I am not sure if this is the relevant mailing
   list, I thought about geda-bug, but my problems are not software bugs.
   Anyway, please advise if this is not the right list.
   * I'm using gschem  and ngspice v19 on Ubuntu 9.04. I
   compiled ngspice from source but the gEDA suite came as a collection
   of ubuntu packages.
   * I followed the tutorial all the way through and ran ngspice but got
   the following message:
   Supplies reduced to   0.1000% Warning: singular matrix:  check nodes
   2n3904 and 2n3904
   ** Most users will know this output indicates a problem. But, it would
   be nice to point users to a sample file showing correct output.
   ** I'd be surprised if this isn't a fairly well known problem.  I
   found a hint via google. My solution was to edit
   Q1 1 Vbase 2  2N3904
   Q1 1 Vbase 2 0 2N3904
   I think the leading 2 in 2N3904 is being interpreted as a node number
   (for the substrate)  by ngspice.  The naive user needs to be helped
   through this, perhaps by modifying 2N3904 to Q2N3904 in the text or
   just by suggesting the hand edit.
   * It would be helpful if the reader could download a correct copy of
   the netlist to compare with theirs.
   * It would be helpful to "close the loop" and get the user to
   graphical output, also introducing them to ngspice in interactive
   mode.  I'm suggesting:
   ngspice [2]spice.net
   ngspice 1 -> ac dec 20 1 100Meg
   ngspice 2 -> plot vout vin vbase
   which produces the attached plot for me.
   Mike Kordosky


   1. http://geda.seul.org/wiki/geda:ngspice_and_gschem
   2. http://spice.net/

Attachment: output.png
Description: PNG image

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