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Re: gEDA-user: feature propriety. was Re: gEDA just hit SlashDotOrg

On Wednesday 12 August 2009 20:27:28 Jason wrote:
> John Doty wrote:
> [huge snip]
> > I have no objection to wrappers. What I object to is the constant
> > demand to fix perceived problems by violating the fairly clean,
> > modular nature of the kit. Rather, we need to make things *more*
> > modular (e.g. get the hardwired behavior out of the gnetlist front end).
> Would having a footprint browser popup in gschem when the user tries to
> add a footprint attribute violate the modular nature of the kit?

This feature was started, but stalled due to architectural problems. Don't 
worry, it's on the (huge, massive, gigantic) todo list.


Peter Brett <peter@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Remote Sensing Research Group
Surrey Space Centre

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