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gEDA-user: gEDA/gaf and PCB on OS X

I've just ordered a new laptop and have gone over to the Dark Side.
What's the latest best-practice for building and/or running gEDA/gaf
and pcb on OS X? From my minimal knowledge, my options are:

1) VirtualBox an Ubuntu guest OS. This is my fallback, and is how I've
been running gEDA on WinXP for the last couple of years. I know I can
make this work and am comfortable with it.
2) Fink. I think John Doty uses this, and there is still a link to Jon
Schneider's build instructions using Fink on the wiki
3) Macports. I don't know much about this.
4) something I haven't thought of.

Any hard or anecdotal data appreciated.


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