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Re: gEDA-user: Icarus Verilog RELEASE 0.7

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From: Charles Lepple <clepple@ghz.cc>
On Saturday, December 14, 2002, at 03:05  PM, Stephen Williams wrote:

> I'm particularly looking for the Solaris and MacOS X packages.

Here you go. The contents go in /usr/local. It includes the libdl.dylib 
that I linked against. My feeling is that if someone already has 
dlcompat installed, they probably will compile from source.

uname information: (Mac OS X 10.2.2)

Darwin chaos.ghz.cc 6.2 Darwin Kernel Version 6.2: Tue Nov  5 22:00:03 
PST 2002; root:xnu/xnu-344.12.2.obj~1/RELEASE_PPC  Power Macintosh 

Charles Lepple <clepple@ghz.cc>