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gEDA-user: gEDA and fink [was Re: gEDA Suite CD .isos available]

On Wed, 29 Dec 2004 19:38:54 -0500 (EST), John Doty <jpd@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Wed, 29 Dec 2004, Stephen Williams wrote:
> > Heck, what about Macs running Mac OS X?-)
> >
> > Although in that case, FINK may be a better distribution mechinism.
> > The geda suite needs a Fink packager.

Fink needs an easier library packaging policy... None of the core Fink
developers reached consensus on the proper split between the libgeda
subpackages. It sounds frivolous until you try to upgrade part of your
gEDA installation, then realize you need an old component to hunt down
a bug or something.

But I guess that rant is more for fink-devel and geda-dev...
> I've been building from the tarballs on OSX, but Charles Lepple has
> spanked me on the dev list for doing so: he has Fink packages at
> http://www.ghz.cc/charles/fink/

You say "spanked", I say "suggested"... whatever :-)

Now that I finally have broadband at home, I will be more inclined to
push these packages towards inclusion in Fink proper. (Doing 'fink
selfupdate' over dialup was tedious, to say the least.)

- Charles Lepple