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gEDA-user: PCB not liking my refdes
I've got a few test points and Faston-style tab connectors on my board,
to which I assigned a descriptive name ("G_a") as the refdes instead of
the generic "TP?" (as in "TP1", etc). PCB, however, doesn't hook all of
these components up with rats. It seems that PCB doesn't like any
refdes that doesn't start with the usual 'R','L','U', etc. My
testpoint named "G_a" doesn't get a rat and the PCB Log window reports
"Can't find G_ pin 1 called for in netlist.", but "User_1" gets hooked
up just fine. Is this indeed an issue with my refdes starting with
non-standard characters, and if so,
A) is this a bug or feature?
B) how can I accomplish my goal?
If this behavior is a feature, what's the reasoning behind it?
PCB v 1.99x, compiled 4 Nov 2008
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