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Re: gEDA-user: blue sky ideas - written down finally
On Dec 28, 2009, at 5:50 PM, DJ Delorie wrote:
> John,
> I wrote up a long email explaining how to map what you want to my
> idea, but decided you'd learn a lot more if I write this one instead.
> My idea does exactly what you want. I'll leave it to you to read it
> again and figure out how. You're smart - use your imagination.
If I put the most optimistic interpretation on the final three
paragraphs of of your "Component Databases" memo, I might see it. The
problem is that most of the memo is about sugar, not nutrition or
balance. This makes optimism rather difficult. "GUI" and
"plugin" (the sugar) are mentioned 11 times. The core engine of gEDA,
gnetlist, isn't mentioned once, but that, or perhaps some preprocessor
(s) that feed it, is where the action is here.
And, of course, there's no mention of the fact that these issues are
pretty universal across all flows, even VLSI and simulation. It's
pure pcb-centrism, an attitude which always rubs me the wrong way.
The solution can, and should, work for all flows, but that requires
commitment to the flexibility that made gEDA a good front end for pcb
in the first place.
John Doty Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.
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