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Re: gEDA-user: 27th Chaos Communication Congress (27C3)

On Tue, 2010-12-14 at 13:18 +0000, Robert Fitzsimons wrote:
> Anybody going to 27C3 in Berlin during the 27th-30th of December?  I'd
> like to spend some of my spare time at the conference working on or
> promoting gEDA.  I've signed up to give a two hour workshop/tutorial
> on gschem/pcb, so hopefully that will be accepted.

I've relatively recently "converted" to gEDA, and now all new Student
Robotics [1] designs are done in gEDA.  I'm giving a talk at 27C3 about
Student Robotics [2].

My talk probably won't touch on gEDA beyond the fact that we use it, but
it might be interesting to meet some fellow gEDA users at 27C3 to get a
sense of how others engage with the tools.  "In SR" we very much see the
gEDA toolset as something that we are prepared to modify when it doesn't
suit our needs, and I suspect that this is a reasonably rare perspective
-- but we don't get to find out without talking to people ;)

Would your workshop be a good place to meet existing gEDA users?



[1] http://www.studentrobotics.org/
[2] http://events.ccc.de/congress/2010/Fahrplan/events/4175.en.html

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