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Re: gEDA-user: routing "style" in PCB (again subject)

I would like to ask helper question:

Where do I find (in gnetlist) attributes attached to a wire in gschem?

In other words, when gnetlist (or libgeda) parses .sch file, where does
it put attributes attached to wires?

Thanks in advance,


> Hello,
> I couldn't find any answer to once asked question "how do I set routing
> style for PCB in gschem?" so I would like to refresh this subject.
> Here is the situation:
> file gnet-PCB.scm is responsible for generating .net files for PCB when
> using tools like gnetlist / gsch2pcb. (right?)
> there is this function PCB:write-net that does not generate routing
> style information for PCB. (erm... right?)
> Since I have never written anything in schema/guile I think it would be
> a waste of time to learn this just to fix this little 'lack-of-feature'.
> My question is:
> Can anyone tell me how to extract net attribute value of arbitrary name
> and put it in .scm script? (I'd like to use netlist attribute like
> 'routing_style' or sth.)
> Regards,
> Peter

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