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gEDA-user: [Ann]: gerbv 1.0.1 released


This is to announce the second release in the stable branch of
gerbv, 1.0.1.

This time it is just a bunch of minor bugfixes. They include:
* Allocating 1 too little strings caused very strange effects.
  Found and solved by Mario and primorec.
* Had forgot to initialize some GCs when drawing some aperture
  macro primitives. Found by Warren Young.

Homepage for gerbv is still http://gerbv.sourceforge.net/ where a bug database, a feature request database, the CVS and a commit mailinglist is available.

To download gerbv goto
and grab gerbv-1.0.1.tar.gz

To install the program do
1. gzip -dc gerbv-1.0.1.tar.gz | tar xf -
2. cd gerbv-1.0.1
3. ./configure
4. make install

Interesting configure options are:
--help              : Lists all options
--disable-exportpng : Disable compilation of export of PNGs
--enable-gtk2       : Compile with GTK+ 2 instead of GTK+ 1
--prefix=<dir>      : Install from dir <prefix>
--with-maxfiles     : Set maximal number of files (default 20).
--enable-unit-mm    : Change default unit in status bar to mm from inch.