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Re: gEDA-user: VHDL with gaf?

From: Ales Hvezda <ahvezda@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: gEDA-user: VHDL with gaf? 
Date: Thu, 24 Feb 2005 21:52:48 -0500
Message-ID: <20050225025248.A3E1F33B57@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

> Hi,
> >Has anyone had any luck using gschem for VHDL?  I'm thinking it might be =
> >useful for doing the block diagrams and then running gnetlist to =
> >generate "stubs" for the actual logic.  Is that possible?  Can anyone =
> >give me examples of ways they've used gEDA/VHDL?
> >
> 	The only VHDL I've seen gEDA/gaf generate is via the VHDL/VAMS
> backend in gnetlist.  There is a small README at:
> http://geda.seul.org/docs/current/readmes/README.vhdl
> and something longer:
> http://geda.seul.org/docs/current/readmes/vams_mode.txt
> 	and there is an example in the gnetlist/examples/vams.  I really
> don't know the state of this backend as I haven't used it in a long time.

I could make a check of it during the weekend. If there is something in need
of fixing, it should be fairly straightforward I assume. A bunch of attributes
that changed is probably what would be my main suspect for not working

The VHDL backend basically generates a VHDL formated netlist and instantiate
the symbols. It assumes that things is located in the WORK library, since it
does not do library/use by automagic.

It would be interesting to see if the geda/GHDL/IVI chain could be made to work
without a truckload of duct-tape. When the VHDL-backend was written it was with
Savant in mind and GHDL was not even a twinkle in its creaters eye...
