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Re: gEDA-user: marketing gEDA

I wrote:
> For technical projects, the fastest growth in gaining new users
> is to give presentations at relevant (non open source) conferences.
> People have to become aware that "gEDA" even exists in the first
> place, otherwise they'll ignore search engine hits for the site.
> That's why I was inviting someone to give a talk at DMES before;
> http://www.vts.com/delmar/index.html
> These types of events occur everywhere around the country each
> year, most of them are happy to have toolchain users as speakers
> since the talks tend to be more interesting than the marketers'.

It's been pointed out to me that many people have a horror of
public speaking and my statement above can be misunderstood.
This is _not_ a powerpoint thing; if it was, you would sound like
another marketing person, which is not what I'd like you to offer.

When you demonstrate your favorite open source project to a few
other engineers at your desktop, there are likely to be a several
people at the back, who're trying to see past all the heads and
understand what's happening on the screen that's too far away.

The nice thing about using a conference room is that you get a
really _big_ screen.  You can give a demonstration to a couple
of people, who're really interested, and all the people at the
back can actually see what you're doing.  Without shoving.
