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gEDA-user: inverted pins?

Ok, what's the standard for inverted pins in symbols?  How do I (or do
I) put the bar over the text?  Specifically, I'm adding the pinlabel
attribute to a pin on a symbol, and having it displayed inside the big
box that's the "component", and adding the inversion bubble.  But I'd
like to have the bar over the name, either also or instead, like:

      40   | ___
    -----()| BHE

Net names should have the bar over them too, once I get to that point.

Also, is there some standard for:

1. Where pin numbers get placed

2. Where pin labels get placed

3. Spacing and text angle for pins on the top/bottom of box-symbols

I've written a program to extract/insert attributes into .SYM files
(gattrib seems to want whole schematics, not symbols), using open
office's spreadsheet to sort/edit/fill.  The script knows where to put
"new" attributes (you can add a column and it inserts them, plus it
knows about the standard attributes), assuming I've guessed OK about
where to put them.