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Re: gEDA-user: Rotating selection in PCB

On Mon, 27 Feb 2006 14:39:48 +0100
Karel Kulhavy <clock@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> I suggest that if someone click with rotate tool while having selection
> highlighted, then a popup message comes out "It's not so easy. You have
> to put it into a buffer and rotate there".

Karel, I think it's too much. Please put yourself into the developers. What would you feel if you got such messages? I contributed just a bit into gEDA, I'm not a "developer"... but I am feeling that this is unfair what you do. Thank to DJ, Ales, Stuart, and the others, that we have this tool. Use it, or leave it, but don't post such messages to the list. Such messages do not have any use.

Thank you.



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