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Re: gEDA-user: PCB

On Mon, 27 Feb 2006 22:28:49 +0000
Marc Price <mark.price13@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> I have a project file set up, and gsch2pcb generates warning for me... ?????
> Levente im not sure about this, 

Sorry. My English is crap. I was about to say that I set up a project file, and let gsch2pcb read everything from the project file.

> sorry for delay in replying i was called 
> on radio Vhf 145mhz

QRZ? De HA5OGL... :-)

> How do you set this up?

Well... read Bill's tutorial! It's written there! :-) But, I'm kind, so I send my project of my latest project (the reflow oven). You have to figure out what's going on! :-) There's a trick to make gsch2pcb NOT TO find the m4 library.




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