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gEDA-user: Re: gEDA: inter page connectors

Regarding the old thread (Mon, 05 Aug 2002) about inter page connectors (http://www.geda.seul.org/mailinglist/geda-dev54/ msg00053.html), I wrote a perl script which updates cross reference attributes. See quick help below. Anyone interested in giving it a try?

> ./geda-xref -h
Usage: ./geda-xref [OPTIONS] designName
  -h            Help; this message

Parses all schematic files and looks for net segments with an
attribute 'netname=', and:
- if no 'xref=' attribute is associated with the same net segment
  then add such attribute to the net segment
- if a 'xref=' attribute is associated with the same net segment
  then fix its size, orientation, justification, color and location
  such that its value is visible next to the end of the net segment
  that is closer to the origin of the 'netname' attribute.
  This works best when the 'netname' attribute is placed with its
  origin near the end of the dangling net.
- update the value of the 'xref=' attribute to show on which page
  the same 'netname' is being used:
  - If no other reference to this net is found anywhere in the design
    then the attribute is removed.
  - References to the same page are included.
  - Multiple instances on a given page are shown as a single page
  - Multiple pages are separated by a comma: firstPage,secondPage,...
  - Consecutive pages are shortened:         firstPage-lastPage
Assumes the following naming convention for schematic pages:
  designName_#.sch   where # is the page number.
Makes a backup copy of each schematic page to:
  bak/<time stamp>/designName_#.sch

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