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gEDA-user: pcb gtk hid development question

So I'm using my snow day to hack on pcb a little bit, and I need some
help understanding how drawing work on the GTK HID.

I've attached a trivial patch:  The intended effect is to draw a XOR
line from the origin to the cursor whenever in LINE mode.

But it doesn't work that way.  Only when I've actually started a line
and am drawing it do I see the line from the origin drawn in.

What is the difference between the two states?  How could I make my
line appear all the time?

(Please don't ask me why I want this line, it is just the test case I
came up with.)

I'll be on IRC most of the day if any pcb devs want to lend me a hand.

Mark Rages, Engineer
Midwest Telecine LLC

Attachment: bonusline.patch
Description: Binary data

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