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Re: gEDA-user: WARNING: Symbol version mismatch

On Fri, Feb 04, 2011 at 03:04:53PM +0100, Kai-Martin Knaak wrote:
> Just opened a schematic of mine with the latest git head of gschem and 
> got a warning:
> /-------------------------
> 	WARNING: Symbol version mismatch on refdes S7 (button.sym):
> 	Symbol in library is newer than instantiated symbol
> 	MAJOR VERSION CHANGE (file 1.000, instantiated 0.000, S7)!
> Searching for symbol [button.sym]
> \-------------------------
> A pop-up informed me that there had been major changed in the symbol.
> What is the exact meaning of this warning. Does it really check for changes
> as suggested by the pop-up? Or is it just checking version numbers? What is 
> the intended use of the version number? Will I get a warning every time the 
> version is changed? Or will only changes by integer numbers be noticed?
> Is this new feature documented somewhere?
> ---<)kaimartin(>---

This isn't new feature. See the "Master Attributes List" wiki doc and
specifically for the 'symversion=' attribute.

There is the 'Document Revision History' section there that says:
  July 6th, 2004	Added symversion= attributes.


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