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gEDA-user: Cypress vs. Atmel

On Mon, 29 Jan 2001, Stephen Williams wrote:
> OK, so the Atmel part does have a USB interface. I'll look into it,
> but does the Atmel part support controlling (i.e. resetting, reloading
> and restarting) the micro from the host? That is, I think, a very
> significant advantage if the software for it is to be GPL.

awiggins@cse.unsw.edu.au said:
> The part has 2 boot methods I think, external serial eeprom? and
> download of code into the instruction SRAM from the USB port so yes :)

Sounds exactly like the Cypress part. That suggests that it's probably
a wash.

I'm currently playing with the Cypress development board with the
intention of prototyping the gTAG device, so I (and Stefan and WW)
already have some time invested in this choice, not to mention my
external motivations. (Full disclosure, folks:-)

When the next project starts up, we may choose to revisit this choice
with what will then be more experienced insight. At any rate, thanks
for the tip.
Steve Williams                "The woods are lovely, dark and deep.
steve@icarus.com              But I have promises to keep,
steve@picturel.com            and lines to code before I sleep,
http://www.picturel.com       And lines to code before I sleep."