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Re: gEDA-user: Question on gschem2pcb

I have looked at the m4 .inc files and I have found a solution.
I was not using the good names for footprints
To have a PLCC 68 the name is "PLCC_SOCKET 68 150"
To have a  Wide DIL 28 (for 32K memory) the name is "DIL 28 600"

The last argument is in the first case the border size between the "hole" and the socket side and
in the second case it is the distance between the holes cols (the "wide" parameter)

I do not know if it is the good way to use the librarie (the last argument should be hiden by a macro) but it works

Thank you for your help

chris.ellec@aegisdevices.com wrote:
Not all the symbols from the pcb library are available from gschem. Only the
ones linked to from /usr/X11/lib/X11/pcb/m4/common.m4
You might have to modify that file to add the parts you want.

If you can't get that to work, or don't want to learn m4, you can add the
symbol manually in pcb, give them the same name as your netlist (command "n")
then  load the netlist. Generate the netlist with gnetlist -g PCB file.sch -o

Bonne chance,


Jacques-Charles Lafoucriere <jc.lafoucriere@cea.fr> said:

Hi all,

I have made a simple schema with gschem (a 68HC11 and a 32K SRAM) and I 
am trying to generate a netlist
for pcb. I have the following issues with gschem2pcb :
1) the footprints "PLCC 52 socket" and "W-DIL 28" from the generic pcb 
library are not found
 "62256" from the memory library is not found
2) the footprints "PLCC 52 socket" is replaced by "PLCC 52" (I see a SMT 
footprint instead of a socket)
All the footprints I have used can be used from pcb

Someone can help me ?