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gEDA-user: gsymcheck and seul site library report question

My recient footprint=none symbol creation adventure has put me in the
mood for some spring cleaning (I know its not spring) and I decided to
start with the bordered title blocks I created a while back.  Gsymcheck
warns for no numslots=, footprint=, and refdes= on the titleblocks.
Granted these are meaningless with a graphical=1 symbol like these.  I
know to put footprint=none and will put numslots=0, but would
refdes=none be appropriate?

Second, at the seul site what does failing Graphical, Attributes, and
Databook ( http://geda.seul.org/symlibrary/symbols/titleblock/ last
three columns ) mean?  What qualifies a pass/fail for these columns?

Eric Winsor
Stewart Radiance Laboratory
Space Dynamics Laboratory - USURF
Bedford, MA 01730