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Re: gEDA-user: I hate m4.

Hello Stuart,

Where can I find documentation regarding how to use newlib?
I'd like to get away from m4 and I don't mind rolling my own.



On Monday 24 January 2005 7:44 am, Stuart Brorson wrote:

> As far as PCB goes, some folks -- including myself -- don't use M4
> footprints at all.  We use only newlib footprints & hand edit them
> using emacs (or whatever) because that gives us total control over
> every aspect of the footprint.  I can then inspect each footprint to
> verify that the pin holes are the right diameter, the solder mask is
> properly cleared from the pads, the silkscreen lines meet the proper
> design rules, etc.  I tend to keep all my newlib footprints in a
> dedicated directory which I place in the footprint search path.

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