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Re: gEDA-user: lost newbie

1. To set values... Click on a component. Type ee a dialog opens up. See
attached image.

In the center of the dialog there is a section called add attributes.

2. Select "value" from the "name" pull down list
3. Select "Show Value Only" from the list next to the visible click box
4. Enter the components value into the Value text edit box.. I.E. 100
for a 100 Ohm Resistor

That is the very simple answer but I suspect you are wishing to simulate
your circuit using spice and so need to select the devices that those
diodes actually are and tell spice where the model for those devices

Stuart this is more your area. I am interested too? Is there a tutorial
on using gschem, gnetlist, one of the spice packages and then a wave
form display package?

Steve Meier

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