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Re: gEDA-user: resistors capacitors ect

On Jan 10, 2006, at 12:04 PM, John Luciani wrote:

Since the terminals of passive components (resistors, capacitors, inductors)
are connected to power pins, input pins and output pins you should set the
pintype to input.

Not "input", "passive". A node that's all inputs is an error, but a node that's all passives is perfectly reasonable and common.

I also note that drc2-type checking is mostly useful for pure digital circuits: for others it's poor at catching errors and often whines about things that are OK.

(* jcl *)

On 1/10/06, Marc <mark.price13@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
what do i add for things like footprint and pintype for capacitors &
resistors would it be pwr --/\/\/\/-- pwr or in --/\/\/\/-- out

Checking: /usr/share/gEDA/sym/analog/resistor-2.sym
Warning: Missing pinlabel= attribute
Warning: Missing pintype= attribute
Warning: Missing pinlabel= attribute
Warning: Missing pintype= attribute
Warning: Missing footprint= attribute
Warning: Did not find numslots= attribute, not checking slotting
6 warnings found
No errors found

Also as im doing this should i post the symbols to someone as working ?

Marc :)


John Doty Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd. jpd@xxxxxxxxxxxxx