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Re: gEDA-user: off: avrdude

Hi Leva,

On Thursday 12 January 2006 18:19, Leva wrote:
> Does anyone knows hot to program the fuse byte(s) with the avrdude
> programmer? Please share. Tnx

Makefile section:
## rule for uploading the hex files to the controller
install: $(PRG).hex
	avrdude -c $(DONGLE_NAME) -e -p $(MCU_TARGET) \
		-U flash:w:$(PRG).hex \
		-U eeprom:w:$(PRG)_eeprom.hex \
		-U lfuse:w:$(AVR_LFUSE):m \
		-U hfuse:w:$(AVR_HFUSE):m

> __

PS: please use "-- " as signature splitter