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gEDA-user: symbol mismatch

ok fixed that one i removed the capacitor of the schematic and re added them
im down to just a few problems now

Invalid wanted_pin passed to get-nets [unknown]
Invalid wanted_pin passed to get-nets [unknown]
Invalid wanted_pin passed to get-nets [unknown]
Invalid wanted_pin passed to get-nets [unknown]


Checking type of pins connected to a net...
ERROR: output: U3:6 U2:6 U1:3 D2:2 D4:2 D1:2 D3:2 D6:2 connected to output: U3:6 U2:6 U1:3 D2:2 D4:2 D1:2 D3:2 D6:2
ERROR: output: U3:6 U2:6 U1:3 D2:2 D4:2 D1:2 D3:2 D6:2 connected to unconnected: U1:2 V1:1 V1:2 U3:7 U2:7 U3:4 U2:4

Marc :)