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Re: gEDA-user: Renumbering Reference Designators

> Is there a way to make it renumber like with --pageskip if the reference
> designators already have a number? (ie C1 as opposed to just C?)

refdes_renum should do this. The --gentle flag is enabled by default
(i.e. only renumbers C? style refdes's). Use the --force flag to force
it to renumber all refdes's.

I think the online docs are out of date.

refdes_renum accepts the following options:

    --help      Displays this help message.

    --nocopy    If given, this flag leaves the modified files in new files
                whose names are generated by appending a ".renum" to the
                original file names.  The default is to overwrite the original.

    --pgskip    When this flag is used, components on the first schematic sheet
                are numbered starting with 101.  On the second sheet, they start
                with 201, etc  Specifying a value gives the step between pages.
                For example --pgskip 10 will start with 11, 21, 31, etc.

    --gentle    This flag tells refdes_renum to leave any refdeses
                alone if they already have numbers.  Use this option to number
                new components in a schematic which has already been numbered.
                Note that --gentle is set by default!

    --force     Set this flag to renumber all refdeses, whether they are already
                numbered or not.

    --verbose   Enables verbose output.

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