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Re: gEDA-user: file format documentation section of manual

> > The manual from pcb-20050315, in describing the layout file format,
> > has this:
> > 
> >      Via             = "Via(" X Y Thickness DrillingHole Name Flags ")"
> > 
> > I believe there is actually also a clearance and a soldermask
> > parameter which is omitted from the manual.
> The manual is behind.  That syntax is still supported, but there's a
> couple other syntaxes that are also supported, including the one with
> the extra parameters, and the ones that use higher resolution.

A better document (if I may say so) specializing on the newlib
footprint file format is available on my web site at:


It's the second to last item in the first list.

BTW: I don't mind of the PCB maintainers put my doc on their website,
or create a link to it.

