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Re: gEDA-user: Bug or feature?

Hi Stuart,

>Yeah, I like John's suggestion to use the RC files also.  My little
>wrinkle is that I prefer to put the variable into gafrc instead of
>gnetlistrc.  Gafrc is read by all programs, and is (in principle)
>being phased-in while the individual RC files are being phased out.  

	I don't know if I will be able to completely get rid of the
program specific rc files ever.  This is because I don't think that
some program specific things belong in the gafrc.  Plus, the last time
I looked at moving all the keywords into one rc file (gafrc), I wasn't
particularly pleased with putting a whole bunch of completely gschem
specific (say) things into libgeda.

	However, if other programs will use $SPICE_MODEL_DIR, then I'm
all for putting it in the gafrc, otherwise it should go into gnetlistrc.
