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Re: gEDA-user: design pack

>Stuart Brorson wrote:
>>... Also, it doesn't deal with pcb files, so you're SOL
>> as far as archiving PCB stuff goes.
>pcb files are always completely free-standing. No other files need to be
>refered to; all components used and the netlist (once loaded) are imbedded
>in the file itself, thus there is no need for an archiving tool beyond tar
>and gzip.

	In gschem, you can embed components (as you place them) if you
select: "Embed component in schematic" in the drop down in the "Select
Component..." dialog box.  You can also select all the components in the
schematic and execute Edit/Embed Component (which is stupidly silent).
To make sure all the components are embedded run:

cat filename.sch | grep ^C | grep -v EMBEDDED

from a shell.  Once all the components are embedded, the schematic file is
completely standalone.


PS. Or just use garchive. :)