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Re: gEDA-user: using ps2pdf with gshcem, bad fonts?
On Mon, 2006-07-03 at 11:04 -0400, Bob Paddock wrote:
> In gschem 20060123 when I 'print' this text:
> "10k resistors on ProgX pins set default
> charge parameters. Populate as required,
> see Table in datasheet."
> it looks fine in the PostScript output with 'gv' and 'ps2pdf'
I did use GhostScript as my reference interpreter during all my testing
for the new ps output, so this makes sense.
> but if I 'print' this text as part of my schematic:
> "When DISP# is tied to Vcc, the SEG1-5 outputs are inactive.
> When DISP# is left floating, the display becomes active
> whenever the BQ2050H detects a charge in progress
> VSRO > VSRQ. When pulled low, the segment outputs become
> active for a period of four seconds, +/- 0.5 seconds."
> it looks crap. The font changes to some kind of fuzzy bold.
Odd.. Do you get this with with GhostScript or with the actual printer?
The new postscript code does not handle these two cases differently. At
least if the vector printing threshold is set to '-1'.
Can you send me the postscript file? It's possible that the second text
is being rendered as vectors. Or there is a bug lurking in my text
rendering routines. If you see the deviant behaviour when you actually
print the page on real paper, let's not discount bugs in the postscript
interpreter in the printer either. What kind of printer do you have?
This may be a known problem with a workaround for your printer that I
can find.
> I have tried shortening the 'bad' text and sometimes it comes
> out ok looking and some times it looks bad, the results are
> inconsistent.
> Any suggestions to make it all come out looking good?
If there's a bug in the output, I will fix it, if there is a workaround
that does not break anything else for your printer, I can add it.
Mike Jarabek
FPGA/ASIC Designer
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