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Re: gEDA-user: PCB: Graphical bugs
I just finished installing Fedora Core 5 and retested the bugs in the latest PCB I got from CVS. Bug 1 (selection rectange on solder size) was fixed and now it's updated in the CVS. Bug 2 (rectangle of designators on solder size) and 3 (placing vias and wires with auto pan on) don't happen in FC5. Bug 4 (visible grid from solder side) is still valid, but this was already confirmed by Larry.
BTW, I remembered wrong and previously I had FC3 not FC4 as I wrote in the mail.
Thanks for the quick replies, fixes and the CVS updates.
> From: ldoolitt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Date: 2006/07/14 Fri PM 09:59:59 EEST
> To: gEDA user mailing list <geda-user@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Subject: Re: gEDA-user: PCB: Graphical bugs
> Tamas -
> On Fri, Jul 14, 2006 at 09:41:38PM +0300, Tamas Varga wrote:
> > > I didn't check it before, but bug 2 is not present on my gtk build
> > > that includes my second patch (Thu, 13 Jul 2006 19:36:26 -0700).
> >
> > I checked again with the latest version I could get today from CVS. When I'm on the solder side and I move a part designator (which is temporarily replaced with a rectangle during the move) then I still get the same incorrect rectange graphic as in case 1.
> The CVS committers don't sit around waiting to apply each patch
> as I post it. :-(
> And of course if they did, they'd also have to revert those
> changes about half the time. Double :-(
> Assuming you use the gtk gui, grab my patch from
> http://archives.seul.org/geda/dev/Jul-2006/msg00058.html
> > The auto pan is toggled with the right mouse button. It's described in the key reference (under the Window menu): while drawing or moving, a click without a drag toggles auto pan mode.
> Cool. That helps a lot.
> > 4. When on the solder side the grid only appears in a vertical band at the middle of the board. The width of this band is the same as the visible width of the board at the current zoom level. Probably there is a sign inversion problem with the X coordinate somewhere, as when scrolling instead of the band following the visible board area it seems to move in the opposite X direction.
> I noticed that too. I'll add it to my to-do list.
> - Larry
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