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gEDA-user: Follow-up: gEDA-dev: gEDA code sprint, freeedaug, and cookout - Sunday July 23rd in NH
I want to thank all who attended, physically or virutally, for making
this a fun and enjoyable event. A good time was had by all (including
the innocent bystanders, who left at one point to go shopping at a
local crafts store). As usual, I talked a lot (with, not at :) and
got a lot of good ideas that are hard to get over just email. But,
unlike the previous code sprint, I got only one minor change done.
This month's winner was Stuart, who got the most accomplished. Yay
I didn't take many pictures (if I had time for pictures, I should have
written more code :) but the three I took (during lunch) are here:
Thanks to all who participated!
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