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Re: gEDA-user: footprints -- novice`s problems

On Thu, 27 Jul 2006 19:08:01 +0200 (CEST)
Igor2 <igor2@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> >> So far for all my home made boards I used PCB's ps output printed on
> >> laserjet on special paper which then I put on the board and use an
> >> iron to transfer the paint from the paper to the board. I used 2
> >> different laser printers, an Infotec and a HP and with both I had
> >> 1:1. Of course this doesn't mean that PostScript is always 1:1 and I
> >> guess it depends on the printer and other things, but I think you
> >> should give it a try :)
> >
> >  Can you share info on this special paper?  I would like to try this.
> >
> >        -Dave
> >


I've been using Epson 'photo paper' (S041140 for the A4 size 194g/m2).
After ironing it onto the board, the layer releases with lukewarm water in
about 5 - 10 minutes. Works fine for not-too-large boards, even for SMD

The surface of the paper is not entirely glossy, and I suspect the
higher weight versions may be easier to use (if I could find them).


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