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gEDA-user: wishful thinking from a user point of view
First of all, let me give big THANKS to the developers of geda/gaf and
pcb. This combo of applications is already better suited to do my kind of
job than eagle would :-)
I just submitted a medium sized analog project to the pcb fab (eight
opamps, oscillators, vco, phase detector, filters etc). During design
phase, my note book filled with wishes and suspected bugs. Some of them
self-resolved while I progressed, because I was simply ignorant of the
features already there. Quite a few remained. I will present them in a
series of posts and in parallel submit them to the BTS of geda and pcb.
Most of my wishes and complains refer to immediate usability. Feel free
to ignore them, if you don't agree. This is wishful thinking from a user
point of view. The versions I used, is gschem v20070526 and pcb v1.99v
cvs snapshot as posted on this list a few weeks ago.
The first entry in my list is a feature request for gschem:
The find dialog in gschem is rather spartan. It just jumps to the next
found substring. As the size of projects increases, the need for more
powerful searches grows.
Features I'd love to see implemented:
* Allow for globbing with "?" and "*", like the bash shell does.
* Optionally, parse the search string for regular expressions
* respond with "not found" and keep the dialog instead of a silent exit.
* highlight/select all the objects that contain a hit to the search.
* An option to include invisible attributes in search
* Give feedback, how many incidences of the search string were found.
Explicitely give information, on which subsheet the search string was
* Optionally give a list of objects that contain the search string. A
click to an item in the list, jumps to the corresponding object.
* Access to a history of searches done in the past.
* Start the dialog with the last search string.
* Replace search string individually or all at once.
* Replace the symbol that contains the search string.
Kai-Martin Knaak tel: +49-511-762-2895
Universität Hannover, Inst. für Quantenoptik fax: +49-511-762-2211
Welfengarten 1, 30167 Hannover http://www.iqo.uni-hannover.de
GPG key: http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?search=Knaak+kmk&op=get
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