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gEDA-user: [pcb] query about "move to other side"

When an two-pin element is mirrored to the other side, it would be
nice if the pins stay in the same spot on the board, regardless of the
element's orientation (currently, the pins get swapped if the element
is vertically-oriented).

Likewise, when a selection is mirrored to the other side, it's
mirrored around the midline of the board, not the location of the

I'm thinking we can try to apply some smarts to the mirroring code,
but only if we redesign it all to keep track of the "mirror point"
instead of just some Y offset.  But exactly how does the user expect
it to work?

'm' - mirror element under cursor.  2-pins (or N inline pins) are an
easy guess, but what about DIP packages?  Should packages mirror about
their centroids (i.e. the pins end up in the same exact spots for
N-inline), or mirror about the cursor location?

mirror selection (i.e. multiple elements, traces, etc) - how to guess
between Y flip and X flip?  Does it always mirror around the cursor
point, or around the midpoint of the selection?  How do we guess
between X and Y flips?

So PCB users, let me know how you think "mirror to other side" should

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