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gEDA-user: add Logo to silkscreen in pcb, exactly how to insert the EPS?

   What is the latest consensus on "how to add eps logo to silkscreen"?
   Back in Nov 2008, there were a few emails back and forth on adding a
   logo to the silkscreen.
   Here is a snippet of those emails:
     * [1]gEDA-user: Silkscreen Logo   Larry Martin 
     * [2]gEDA-user: Silkscreen Logo   DJ Delorie 
     * [3]gEDA-user: Silkscreen Logo   Larry Martin 
     * [4]gEDA-user: Silkscreen Logo   DJ Delorie 
     * [5]gEDA-user: Silkscreen Logo   Richard Tomkins 
     * [6]gEDA-user: Silkscreen Logo   Larry Martin 
     * [7]gEDA-user: Silkscreen Logo   Mark Rages 
     * [8]gEDA-user: Silkscreen Logo   DJ Delorie 
     * [9]gEDA-user: Silkscreen Logo   Mike Crowe 
     * [10]gEDA-user: Silkscreen Logo   Mark Rages 

   And only in these threads, I found  that one should add the EPS file
   to the Silkscreen section of the *.pcb file?
     * [11]gEDA-user: Bringing EPS onto a silkscreen, gdedwards
          + [12]Re: gEDA-user: Bringing EPS onto a silkscreen, Mark Rages
               o [13]Re: gEDA-user: Bringing EPS onto a silkscreen,
                 Gareth Edwards
                    # [14]Re: gEDA-user: Bringing EPS onto a silkscreen,
                      DJ Delorie
                    # [15]Re: gEDA-user: Bringing EPS onto a silkscreen,
                      Gareth Edwards
                    # [16]Re: gEDA-user: Bringing EPS onto a silkscreen,
                      Gareth Edwards
               o [17]Re: gEDA-user: Bringing EPS onto a silkscreen,
                 Levente Kovacs

   So, I should just copy  the entire EPS file and paste below the Text
   Layer(8 "unused")
       Line[804000 247500 806000 247500 800 2000 ""]
       Line[803000 246000 807000 246000 800 2000 ""]
       Line[802000 244500 808000 244500 800 2000 ""]
       Line[805000 236000 805000 244000 800 2000 ""]
       Line[814500 236000 805000 236000 1000 2000 "found"]
       Line[821000 229500 821000 224500 1000 2000 "found"]
       Line[242500 235500 218500 235500 800 2000 "found"]
       Line[218500 235500 216000 238000 800 2000 "found"]
       Line[216000 238000 216000 238500 800 2000 "found"]
       Line[577500 244000 610500 244000 800 2000 "found"]
       Line[610500 244000 612000 245500 800 2000 "found"]
       Line[612000 245500 612500 245500 800 2000 "found"]
       Line[753893 240957 759850 235000 800 2000 "found"]
       Line[759850 235000 777000 235000 800 2000 "found"]
       Line[243500 234500 242500 235500 800 2000 "found"]
       Line[416500 243000 416000 243500 800 2000 "found"]
       Line[416000 243500 397000 243500 800 2000 "found"]
       Line[502500 244000 464500 244000 800 2000 "found"]
       Line[324000 244000 299500 244000 800 2000 "found"]
       Line[145000 244500 105000 244500 800 2000 "found"]
       Line[682000 244000 658000 244000 800 2000 "found"]
       Text[160500 64500 0 100 "1" ""]
       Text[211000 66000 0 100 "2" ""]
       Text[185500 65500 0 100 "3" ""]
       Text[164500 49000 0 100 "R" ""]
       Text[204500 36000 0 100 "S" ""]
       Text[184000 35500 0 100 "G" ""]
       Text[220500 90000 0 100 "T" ""]
       Text[792500 278000 0 100 "-SENSE" ""]
       Text[792000 169000 0 100 "+SENSE" ""]
       Text[795500 257000 0 122 "-V" ""]
       Text[797000 189500 0 122 "+V" ""]


   1. http://www.seul.org/pipermail/geda-user/2008-November/014473.html
   2. http://www.seul.org/pipermail/geda-user/2008-November/014474.html
   3. http://www.seul.org/pipermail/geda-user/2008-November/014482.html
   4. http://www.seul.org/pipermail/geda-user/2008-November/014483.html
   5. http://www.seul.org/pipermail/geda-user/2008-November/014489.html
   6. http://www.seul.org/pipermail/geda-user/2008-November/014493.html
   7. http://www.seul.org/pipermail/geda-user/2008-November/014494.html
   8. http://www.seul.org/pipermail/geda-user/2008-November/014503.html
   9. http://www.seul.org/pipermail/geda-user/2008-November/014504.html
  10. http://www.seul.org/pipermail/geda-user/2008-November/014505.html
  11. http://www.geda.seul.org/mailinglist/geda-user178/msg00050.html
  12. http://www.geda.seul.org/mailinglist/geda-user178/msg00051.html
  13. http://www.geda.seul.org/mailinglist/geda-user178/msg00052.html
  14. http://www.geda.seul.org/mailinglist/geda-user178/msg00053.html
  15. http://www.geda.seul.org/mailinglist/geda-user178/msg00057.html
  16. http://www.geda.seul.org/mailinglist/geda-user178/msg00084.html
  17. http://www.geda.seul.org/mailinglist/geda-user178/msg00054.html

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