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Re: gEDA-user: PCB : pin element footprint.

On Wednesday 19 June 2002 17:13, Chris Ellec wrote:
> Michel Agoyan wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Does anyone know how to create, using PCB , a pin with a rectangle
> > footprint ?
> > As far as I know it is possible to have rounded or square ends for pins
> > and pads.
> Using the m4 macros you can make pads of any shapes. I'm not sure what
> you mean by rectangle pins, unless you have a rectangle drill bit for
> the hole ... ;>)
Back in the old days, a square pad denoted pin 1, useful on a IC, the rest 
were round


> > It is also possible to draw pad as we want on the component layer.
> > But if we want a particular footprint for a  pin on the solder layer it
> > seems that it is not possible to do.
> > And what about SMD on the solder layer ?
> To put parts on the "far side":
> If the component is already on the component side of the board, use
> "buffer->cut to buffer" to remove the component, then "tab" to move to
> the solder side of the board, then "buffer->paste from buffer".
> For a new component, just "tab" first, then place the component.
> Chris.